Welcome to Sierra Norte in Scottsdale, Arizona
Website Last Updated - January 19, 2025
Our community website was developed to serve as an informative resource for both our neighborhood and our local community. Please feel free to contact us with your comments and suggestions.
Neighborhood News
Please sign up for E-Statements for your Sierra Norte Assessments
Go to the Make A Payment Tab on the  Residents Only Section (towards the bottom).  Sign in and look at the instructions for signing up with AZCMS.  Thank you for your assistance in this important matter.
Minutes of the last meeting and newsletter
The minutes of the Board Meetings  are located in the Residents Section, Meeting Minutes.    The latest Newsletter is also posted.  Copies of all of the Newsletters are included in the Residents Section, Newsletters.
Architectural Approval
Just a reminder that you need to contact the Architectural Committee before starting any outside projects.    Paint colors need approval as well as additions to the house.   The form is in the Documents section of the website under the Architectural heading.   The form is sent to our Community Managers at AZCMS.
Bulk Pick Up 
    Bulk pick up is NOT always the last week of the month, it varies.  You must check before putting out waste.
    Due to the fact that Sierra Norte does not have a designated day for bulk pickup, the Board approved a change which now allows YARD WASTE to be placed near the street beginning on WEDNESDAY of the week prior to the next scheduled Scottsdale bulk collection.  This allows homeowners to have a landscaper come on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday of the week before bulk pick up and utilize the collection service.   HOUSEHOLD ITEMS such as a mattress, refrigerator, etc. can only be put out beginning the SATURDAY of the week before bulk collection – the same as before. If you are uncertain whether the bulk collection truck has been in the neighborhood or not, please verify by calling the City of Scottsdale at 480 312 5600. Please Note:  If items are placed on the street before the specified days or left on the street after the collection truck has already been in Sierra Norte, there will be an immediate $50 fine.
    The week for bulk waste collection is posted on the city's website (scottsdaleaz.gov/solid-waste/brush-bulk-collection) and in the newsletter. The actual day of collection is not stated and may be any day of that week (Monday to Saturday).  To insure collection have your waste out no later than 6:00am on the Monday of the week.  Yard waste can go out starting the Wednesday before the pickup week.  Household items can be put out starting the Saturday before the week of pick up.   The next 2025 bulk waste week starts on January 27, February 24, March 24th, April 21st, May 19th, June 23, July 28, August 25th, September 29th, October 27th, NO November start, and December 1st.
Painting Your House
There has been some confusion regarding colors that were originally used on your house.   AZCMS can tell you which combination was used  on your house. The colors are also listed for each house in the new Design Guidelines (copy in Members Area of website).  The original Dunn Edwards paint combinations were:
DE3198 spearhead/ DE3197 sidewinder
DE3038 water oak/DE3039 fievel
SP2810 prairie dove/SP2730 your bluff
DE3180 wild dunes/DE3179 tan moccasin
DE3053 masterpiece/DE3052 flatter me
If a homeowner wants to change the house color, then the approval process is slightly different. Colors must be muted desert compatible earth tones and fit into the community color scheme. White and bright primary colors are not permitted. In no case should the roof color unduly contrast with the color of the house All main house colors must have a light reflected value (LRV) between (and including) 30% and 40%. Trim and accent colors must have a LRV less than (and including) 40%. The homeowner must mail a paint sample to the management company for the Architectural Committee to evaluate. It may not be an emailed color sample since the colors will not be accurate. If the Architectural Committee finds the new color conditionally acceptable, the homeowner will need to paint a small area (three feet by three feet) on the house or a large piece of wood a minimum of 3’x3’ for committee to evaluate on-site. When the house is painted, the roof stacks and vents must be painted to match the roof.
If you receive a letter that your house needs to be painted, the date it must be completed by depends on the month your receive the letter.
January, February notice    paint by April 30
March to July notice           paint by October 31
August notice                     paint by November 30
September notice               paint by December 31
October notice                    paint by January 31
November notice                paint by February 28
December notice                paint by March 31

Homeowners' Alarm Monitoring is included in your monthly dues and is administered by ADT. ADT has appointed Dan Higgins the Special Respresentative Sierra Norte, and he is available to answer any questions Homeowners may have about their alarm services, equipment, monitoring and maintenance, his phone number is posted on the "SITES OF INTEREST" page on this website - look for the "Pocket Guide of Essential Telephone Numbers".  Additions or repairs to your system are the homeowners responsibility and not included in your dues.
Sierra Norte Homeowners -  Register Now!
Homeowners, don't forget to register on this site (click the link top left) to get access to the "Resident Only" areas of this site and to update your profile in the private Resident Directory.   If you have a long term rental of a house in Sierra Norte you can also have access to the website.   The homewowner must send a copy of the rental agreement to our management company, ACMS.

Tennis Court Use
The Community Tennis Court is a valuable and appreciated Community asset, but it's use is RESTRICTED to the playing of Tennis or Pickle Ball only- any other use of the Court is strictly prohibited as damage can result and could give rise to increased maintenance and repair costs which in turn would have to be recovered from Homeowners by further assessment. Such prohibited uses would include, but are not limited to, Soccer, Skate Boarding, Skating, Hockey, Frisbee, Dog Walking, Exercising & Training, Basketball etc. We would cordially ask users of the Tennis Court to extinguish court lighting after play, and refrain from hitting tennis or other balls against the court perimeter fencing. We thank Homeowners and their Children for their cooperation in maintaining our Tennis Court in pristine condition for its intended use, and hope that as many of you as possible will make use of this terrific facility - a Notice of Permitted Use has been posted, in full view, adjacent to the Tennis Court Gate.  Hours of use are 6 am until 10 pm.

Contractor Referrals
Know of any good contractors you have used recently? Do you care to share their contact details with your neighbors? Landscapers, Window Cleaners, Home Cleaning, Weed Treatment etc.? Why not ask them to become an "SNS" - A Sierra Norte Sponsor - it's just $40 a year.  Their contact and service details could be posted on our Sponsors page. That's a good way for them to get more business and for our community members to have access to quality services

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Upcoming Events
No Events at this time.